Your Business Partner all around Coffee
Together we create a new Coffee Experience
When passion goes business.
Starting several years ago my interest in Coffee started with a simple Espresso machine and grew over the years into the art of roasting coffee. Educational programs in Austria and Germany followed. Since the beginning of 2019, I have been running this company with fun and enthusiasm.
All our coffees are gently roasted at low temperatures in a long-term roasting process. Hereby we preserve the coffee's own aromas and achieve a full-bodied, fresh coffee taste. This roasting process reduces chlorogenic acid and prevents the formation of acrylamide. Therefore our coffee is particularly wholesome and easy on the stomach.
This being noted; all technology and research has for us only one goal:
Some Testimonials
Building Engineer
"This is Good Coffee,
and sometimes it needs to be special"
"We buy Coffee for our company and for our customers at special occasions"
Contact & Details
Stefan Engardt
Mustikkasuontie 8B, 00940 Helsinki, FI
Tel.: +358 40 634 2656
Coffee Academy Helsinki Oy
Y-tunnus: 2954433-5
VAT: 29544335​